Sporting Events
Kōwhai Cross Country
Congratulations Kowhai Students, for your fast running on Tuesday! I bet none of our HUB kids could ever catch up to you! The WHOLE Auckland City would have heard your cheering. Of course a HUGE Congratulations to our junior school winners!
Here are some quotes from our enthusiastic runners.
“I want to go right now!” - Theo Miller.
“Wait, are we going now?” - Marley North.
Thank you to the parents and grandparents who came in to support. Thank you to the teachers for organizing this event. Thank you HUB kids for helping out. And thank you, little ones, for all your running!
Written by: Julliette Kerr
Photo's and results from Franklin Netball tournaments - Year 3-8 Students
Kowhai's BIG Splash!
We were so amazed by Kowhai’s swimming skills, and the massive splashes those tiny Kowhai students made. Dolphin dives, BIG arms, diving to get rings and so much more! We are so proud of all the effort put in by all the Kowhai students and teachers.
Kowhai you are SO good at swimming! All the parents and teachers were wowed by how fast you all can run under the water. O.M.G. your voices were so loud too! We think that people from the South Island could hear you!
Well done all year 1s and 2s for your amazing determination! Even when you weren’t swimming, you were cheering loud and clear for your friends and classmates.
A very kind quote from one of our parents, Tracy.
“Great effort! The teams were well organized and the kids did amazing!!”
Year 7/8 North Group
On Tuesday 7th March, 14 of our school swimmers, swam against other schools at the North Group Swimming competition. All of them showed great sportsmanship and resilience. A huge Congratulations to Lizzy Haworth, Kaeleb Allison, Liam Cox, Zac Kelso, and Scarlett Borland for qualifying for Franklin. And to Zac, Liam, Kaeleb, and Bentley for placing second in the boy's freestyle relay. Well done team!
A big thank you to Nicole Schollum and Jessica Sutherland for timekeeping all day and transporting our students along with Michelle Allison. We wouldn't be able to attend these events without your support.
It was a great day for all North Group swimmers and we are proud of their efforts!
Kaeleb Allison - 1st 50m freestyle, 2nd 100m freestyle, 3rd backstroke
Lizzy Haworth - 2nd 100m freestyle, 2nd 200m freestyle, 2nd backstroke, 2nd butterfly, 3rd 50m freestyle,
Liam Cox - 2nd 100m freestyle, 2nd breaststroke
Zac Kelso - 3rd 100m freestyle, 3rd backstroke
Scarlett Borland - 3rd breaststroke
Year 5/6 North Group
Another fantastic day out for our Waiau Pa swimmers, at the Year 5/6 North Group competition. 17 of our Rimu Syndicate, supporting each other, cheering each other on and showing the RICH values, the students were perfect ambassadors for our school.
A HUGE congratulations to the following placegetters:
Paige Kerr - 1st freestyle
Braydon Borland - 2nd freestyle, 1st breaststroke
Zara Cox - 2nd breaststroke, 3rd backstroke
Mackenzie Angell - 3rd breaststroke
A big thank you to Mr Clark, Miss Clay, Michele, and Simon who transported and supported our team throughout the day.
Senior Swimming Sports
Wow! 2023 sporting events kick off to a great start at the Waiau Pa swimming pool. Excited students, from years 5-8, took part in the competitive swimming sports on Thursday 23rd February. Friends and whanau cheered them on as swimmers zipped through the water. Hands slapped the water and feet splashed furiously, the poor teachers got drenched as the students sped by them. The competitive competition was exciting, congratulations to ALL the swimmers on the day, BUT the fun Whanau Swim was extraordinary!! Each Whanau took part in fun races, including a full pool scramble, to earn points. The Whanau groups were neck and neck until the end with Matheson house scraping through to win the day!
Well done to all our students for taking part and doing their best!
Check out some of the pictures from Swimming Sports below.
Rimu and Kauri Competitive Swimming Results