The Waiau Pa School PTA is a group of parents who are committed to providing support to Waiau Pa School – students, staff and families. 

Our aim is to work together to help our children and the school succeed. 

Our main focuses are to:

• fundraise for additional resources for the school

• promote positive interactions between families and the school

Current Office holders:

Chairperson: Anna Farley 

Secretary: Susan De Veth

Treasurer: Alison Barton

Marketing/Communications: Kylie Jansen Van Vuuren

Our fundraising events throughout the year include school discos, sausage sizzles, Grandparents Day, Calf Club and other initiatives.  Please keep an eye out in the school newsletters and app alerts for information.

If you have any suggestions, would like more information, or want to become involved please email the PTA - waiaupapta@gmail.com