Board of Trustees Election 2023
The 2023 Mid-Term Board Elections process will start on
Friday 22nd September 2023.
Nominations for the 2023 mid-term election have now concluded.
Thank you to all who put forth their names for the election.
At the conclusion of the nomination window, we have only received the required number of nominations as positions available.
As such, a non-voting election has now been triggered.
All three nominations will be accepted to the Board commencing from
Wednesday 18th October 2023.
The three successful nominees are:
Sarah Christie
Shane Craig
Grant White
We would like to warmly welcome our new Board Members.
We would also like to take this opportunity to thank Ben Fausett for his time on the Board
and for all the insight and experience he was able to bring to the roll.
If any potential nominee wishes to know more about what is expect of the role, NZSTA is running a webinar for
community members who want to join a school board on Wednesday 27 September 2023, 7 - 8:15pm.
Please click this link, where you can find out more and register.