Our Board of Trustees

All of New Zealand's state schools have a Board of Trustees (BOT). The BOT is the Crown entity responsible for the governance and the control of the management of the school, and are accountable for the school’s performance. 

The BOT is responsible for determining the strategic direction in which the school is heading (in consultation with parents, staff and students). The board must also ensure that its school provides a safe environment and quality education for all its students.  Boards are also responsible for overseeing the management of personnel, curriculum, property, finance and administration.

The Principal is the board's chief executive in relation to the school's control and management. The Principal is required to comply with the board's general policy directions; but has complete discretion to manage the school on a day to day basis.

What does the BOT do?

Every Board must prepare and maintain a School Charter. The purpose of a School Charter is to establish the mission, aims, objectives, directions, and targets of the Board in relation to the Government’s national education guidelines (NEGs), national administration guidelines (NAGs) and the Board’s local priorities.

The school board has the overall responsibility for the school, including meeting certain legal obligations, responsibility for property, personnel, financial management, reporting to the Ministry and school community, and meeting national requirements set by the Ministry of Education.

The BOT makes decisions that the Principal and staff then put in place. It must also monitor and report annually on its progress towards those goals.

Meet our current Board Members:

Board Chair: Shane Craig

I’m the proud father of 3 girls at Waiau Pa School; Olivia, Danielle and Chloe. My background has been with the kiwifruit and packaging industry, having grown up on the family kiwifruit orchard, and am the Managing Director of Punchbowl Packaging. I grew up in the local area and am passionate about our amazing community and the crucial role our school plays. Outside of the family business my passion is working around home (with a slightly unheathly obsession with my lawn) and spending time with family and friends. I have a real love of travel both locally and overseas and enjoy sharing those experiences with my wonderful kids and amazing wife.

I am fortunate enough to have been on the BOT since 2018 and more recently been the Board Chair, since 2021.

My favourite saying is - "A champion team will always beat a team of champions". That is something I try to live my life by and is something that I endeavour to bring to the table for Waiau Pa School.

Deputy Chair: Naomi O'Brien

I am the mother of 3 boys; Finn and Harley, who are at Waiau Pa School, and Noah who previously attended. Although my background is in law, since having children, I have focussed my energy on supporting our community. I have been involved in Waiau Pa School’s PTA for the past 8 years, have been involved in organising the school’s Calf Clubs, and was previously Chairperson of the PTA.  Over the past few years, I have also established and managed the Waiau Pa Wolves football club, which has in excess of 80 local kids playing for it this season.   

Prior to having children, I practised as a lawyer, specialising in employment law and commercial litigation. I worked initially at Russell McVeagh, where I also oversaw the firm’s pro bono practice, supporting the Mangere Community Law Centre. I then worked abroad, before returning to home and later joining Shortland Chambers as a barrister. 

There have been many articles in the media about New Zealand’s steadily declining rates of literacy and numeracy, and falling science performance.  I am focussed on doing what I can to support our wonderful teachers and management team, with the aim that our school can rise above these national trends and ensure that every child is challenged to extend themselves to their full potential.

Treasurer: Robyn Voigt

My name is Robyn Voigt and I am a parent to three children Sebastian (year 3), Harry (year 0), and Freya (starting 2026). We have lived in Waiau Pa for the past 4 years and love the community and lifestyle here.

I have been a Chartered Accountant for the past 15 years and work as a business coach where I mentor business owners and help them, and their businesses achieve their potential. I am also the Finance Manager for The Little Miracles Trust and sit on their board as an executive director.

I am actively involved in the local community; I am on the committee and treasurer for the Clarks Beach Playgroup and I have run Waiau Pa Athletics Club for the past three years.

I am passionate about ensuring that Waiau Pa School delivers a quality education and varied learning opportunities to our children, so they are able to reach their full potential. I want to make sure staff have the right tools, resources and support they need to provide students with the highest standard of education.

Parent Rep: Dean Tollen

Personal note coming soon :) 

Parent Rep: Sarah Christie

Hi, my name is Sarah Christie, I have three kids, all at Waiau Pa School, Jack, Benjamin & Danielle. Together with my husband Brett we live in Waiau Pa & have done since 2016.  

I work part time as a design consultant for David Reid Homes & the rest of the time I can be found coming & going from school & other local places, as I shuttle the kids around & generally navigate busy family life. 

In my spare time I enjoy playing netball for the local club, go the Waiau Pa Rebelz! Reading, catching up with friends & family & just generally soaking up the lifestyle we enjoy out here.

I grew up in Christchurch, which is where I received all my education, I never attended a rural school & got to participate in calf club or anything like that. I think our kids are so lucky to have the rural school experience here. I love loving here in Waiau Pa & enjoy the close-knit community we have, the relaxed lifestyle & country feel.

As a parent representative on the board, please feel free to approach me formally or informally at any time. I believe every child deserves a quality education & as part of the board I will support the school to deliver this to all our children.

Parent Rep: Grant White

Personal note coming soon :) 

Teacher Rep: Monique Fausett

Hello, I'm Monique Fausett and I have the honour of representing the staff on the board of trustees. As the leader of Rimu Syndicate, I've been teaching at Waiau Pa School for seven years.

My family and I are proud to call ourselves members of the school community, as both of our children attend here - Miela in Year 6 and Molly in Year 4. We also enjoy living on our small lifestyle block in Franklin where we've been residents for eleven years. Being a part of a small country school allows me the wonderful opportunity to see my children every day, while knowing that they are in the exceptional care of experienced and skilled teachers. I feel blessed to have the ability to support them throughout their educational journey, such as during school trips, sports events and learning celebrations. 

I gladly serve on the Board of Trustees because I am passionate about helping our school shape students into well-rounded individuals who can overcome any obstacle and make positive contributions to the world. It brings me great joy to know that the school provides so many opportunities and experiences that enable our students to achieve just that. 

Principal: Lori Mravicich

Personal note coming soon :) 

Our School Board typically meets on Thursdays, on Week 3 and Week 8 of each term at 5:30pm.
Meetings are open to the public, however, they are not public meetings where everyone has the right to speak.
Speaking rights can be granted in advance by the Board Chair.
Sometimes parts of Board meetings are closed to the public when the board is discussing confidential matters. 

To contact our Board Chairperson - please email: bot@waiaupa.school.nz

Annual reports are required to be submitted to the Ministry of Education by 31 May.

A board must ensure that its annual report is available to the public on an internet site maintained by or on behalf of the board.